KB Connect Drive Before User Login

KB Connect Drive Before User Login

Connect Drive Before User Login


I have an application that runs on a system, and I want the connection through WebDrive to be available and connected before any user logs in. Can I do this so the application can access the information without any user login?


Yes, this can be done by leveraging the Service Settings within WebDrive.


  1. In WebDrive, open the main app Settings and enable “Show all settings”

  2. Edit the settings for the site connection you’ve created in WebDrive (SFTP, SharePoint, Google Drive, etc.)

  3. Open the “Advanced” menu and then scroll down to the Service Settings section

  4. Enable the 2nd Service Option “Connect drive before user login”. When prompted, enter the Windows Administrator credentials

  5. If desired, enable the 1st Service Option “Make drive available to all users and services on this computer” to allow other applications and services on the system to access the mapped drive

  6. Close WebDrive and then restart the computer to have the Connection occur before logon

Related to: WebDrive Next Gen Version - current

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