Getting Started: Connecting to an SFTP Server

Getting Started: Connecting to an SFTP Server

Click the “+” Icon and select the “SFTP” option

Connection Name: Enter the name you would like to give your connection. You can name this as you choose, or accept the default name
Server Address: Enter the URL ( or IP Address ( for connecting to the desired SFTP Server
Username: Enter the username assigned to you for connecting to the desired server
Password: Enter the password that corresponds to your username
Drive Letter: Choose the drive letter you would like to use on your local computer to connect to the server
Automatically connect at login: Enable if you would like this connection to be established every time you login to your local computer
Browse this drive after connecting: Enable if you want Windows Explorer to open and display the folders and files on the server when you connect
Either click “Save” to finish setting up the site connection, or continue:

SFTP Settings: Click this dropdown to set additional SFTP-related settings:
      Use custom server port: Enable and enter if the SFTP server uses a non-default port number to connect
      Automatically accept the server host key: Enable if you want the host key of the server to always be accepted automatically. Disable to show the host key to the user and prompt whether to accept the host key
     Default directory: Enter a specific folder/sub-folder to connect to if the home directory is not desired
     Use the following host key to authenticate: Enable to allow selecting and using a host key pair for public key authentication method of connecting to the server
                  Select the host key file to use
                  Enter the password that corresponds to the selected host key
            Create Host Key: Click to create your own host key for use with connection to an SFTP Server
Click “Save” to finish setting up the site connection
Click on the Drive icon to Connect to the server

Use the Settings (gear icon) for your connection to edit any additional settings if desired.

If you have errors or issues connecting, verify all of your connection information with the server administrator and verify any nonstandard information you may need to enter in addition to URL/IP Address and username/password

If issues remain, open the main App Settings for WebDrive, click the Logging dropdown, and set the Logging level to “Debug”. Replicate the issue and then send over the resulting log file to the support team for review.
      You can submit this directly within the app by clicking on the three vertical dots (More Actions) at the top right of the main menu and choosing “Submit Ticket”, or you can login to our support portal and create a ticket there and then attach the log file. The log file can be found by clicking on the Logging tab in the main App Settings menu and then clicking on the Arrow icon to “View Logs”.
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