Connecting drives within WebDrive do not appear to succeed. After attempting a connection, a spinner starts, and after some time, it stops spinning/disappears, and the drive does not connect.
Sometimes a "drive" appears in Windows Explorer, but it does not work. In Windows Explorer, a message will appear that states "W:\ is not accessible / The device is not ready."
1. Ensure updated to the latest version of WebDrive.
If updating is needed, ensure you disconnect any mapped drives before the update and then restart the computer once it completes.
2. Uninstall/Reinstall WebDrive.
Ensure to disconnect and connected sites in WebDrive before this process and also restart the computer after the Reinstall of WebDrive.
3. Verify if AntiVirus may be blocking the connection, or live-scanning the WebDrive Cache Folder. This location can be found in the main Settings under the Folder Locations dropdown. You can edit/change the cache folder location as well. If needed, please create an exception so this cache folder is not live-scanned by anti-virus.
4. If the above steps did not resolve the issue, and the system on which WebDrive is installed has the latest versions of Windows 11, then please use Registry Editor (regedit) to make a change to your system:
a. Open Registry Editor (regedit)
b. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\I/O System
c. Add or Modify a DWORD key called IoBlockLegacyFsFilters
i. Set the value to be 0
d. Restart the computer and attempt the use of WebDrive once more